Radiography Dept Administration
Head Of Department
Dr. Daniel Chimuanya Ugwuanyi is a SENIOR LECTURER in RADIOGRAPHY Department, Faculty Of Health Science And Technology in Nnamdi Azikiwe University
On behalf of the staff and students of the Department of Radiography and Radiological Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences and Technology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, I welcome you.
This site provides basic information on the Department, Staffing of the Department, undergraduate curriculum including the course credit requirements, and so on.
Finally, I use this medium to congratulate and welcome our fresh students for their admission into the Department. I therefore, on behalf of the entire Department, wish all students a very successful academic pursuit in the Department.
Radiography is the art and science of application of various form of radiation and waves on human being, animal and substances for the purpose of promotion of health, diagnosis and treatment of various forms of diseases in hospitals, non-destructive testing/detective scanning in industries and for research purpose.
Radiographers are professionals that have gone through prescribed curriculum of training required to develop the needed skill to effectively quantity and administer various forms of radiation and waves with minimum or no damage to the population and environment.
In keeping with the requirements of the National University Commission (NUC) for all Nigeria Universities, and full participation of the Radiographers Registration Board of Nigeria (RRBN) as well as the global technological advancement in medical imaging modalities the Bachelor of Science Degree in Radiography and Radiological Sciences (AKA: Medical imaging and Radiation Sciences) programme Strives the produce highly skilled professional.
Nnamdi Azikiwe University is one of Nigeria’s newest Universities with a record of academic achievements and innovation, which gives it a distinct, mature character of the Second Generation University. The special nonresident status makes it unique. The college of Health Sciences is first of its kind in line with European standards and setting the pace in Nigeria as the only college of Medicine that comprehensively trains its students from the first year.
The Department of Radiography Radiological Sciences is fast developing and its links with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IASEA) and Centre for Energy Research and Training, Zaria are becoming a particular strength, and with the newly set-up diagnostic complex as with the expected national and international approval and take off as a centre for cancer research, diagnosis and treatment we hope to evolve as a center of excellence in the 21st century.
The vision for the department is an Undergraduate Radiography programme that is one of the best and can be reckoned with internationally.
The mission of the department of Radiography and Radiological Sciences is to produce graduate radiographers who through teaching, clinical experience and research, acquire the relevant basic knowledge, skill and competence to meet societal challenges, be self-reliance and able to compete internationally and contribute maximally to the society.
The department recognizes the following values as the basis for its mission and vision.
Total commitment to the principle of continuous learning and consequently the provision of opportunities for personal development for all categories of students and staff.
Attainment and maintenance of very high standards of teaching, scholarship and research (within the limits of available facilities) and the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of radiological sciences, health and technology.
Provision and development of educational opportunities for students and staff to study for post graduates degrees (post graduate diploma, masters, doctorate and medical fellowships).
Creating opportunities for students and staff to gain national and international experience through workshop seminars, conference and short courses.
Development of academic programme that can be relevant to the intellectual and vocational need of individuals.
Total and absolute dependence on God as the only true source of wisdom and strength for the staff and students.