It consists of periods of formal studies in the Universities and industrial training.
Planned visit and Projects: ( DURATION OF COURSE)
The period spent in the course is five academic sessions which include period of formal studies, clinical posting and project. We have two phases in the programme.
- Pre-clinical phase
- Clinical phase
The pre-clinical phase is part one and part two of the programme. Some of the courses covered are Biology, Chemistry, Physics, General Studies Anatomy, Human Physiology and Biochemistry. Clinical phase is from part three to part five. The courses covered are basic Medical Imaging, Pharmacology and Radiobiology, Pathology and Clinical Posting in Radiology Radiation Medicine , Radiation Protection, Dosimetry, Electronics and Computer in Radiology, Equipment, Radiotherapy & Oncology, Research, Methodology & Biostatics, Seminar presentation and Radiographic Technique & Photography. The students are encouraged to spend their long vacation period at Radiology centres outside the primary training hospital like National Hospital Abuja, Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, University of Jos Teaching Hospital, University College Hospital, National Orthopedic Hospital, Lagos etc. to encourage wider exposure.
Candidates are required to register as full-time students. No part time registration is allowed.
- Radiation physics
- Medical Radiographic photography and imaging processes
- Medical Radiographic Equipment.
- Clinical Radiographic Technique and procedures
- Hospital practice and patient care
- Radiographic Anatomy and Physiology
- Radiographic Pathology
- Radiotherapy Physics & Applications
- Other imaging Modalities
- Research Methodology, Seminar and Project
The courses are covered in stages. The courses are delivered in the form of lectures, tutorials, seminars, laboratory work/practical; clinical posting and faculty research study.
Courses at the preliminary stage (100 levels) are moderated by Faculty of Science and Department of General Studies. Course at the preclinical stage (200 levels) are moderated by faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, Faculty of Health Science and Technology courses at the clinical stage (300-500 levels) are moderated by College of Health Science, as prescribed by the Department of Radiography of the of the Faculty of the Health Science and Technology. Course at the preliminary and preclinical stages are takes in Awka and Okofia campuses while at the clinical stage courses are taking in Okofia campus and university teaching hospital, the state general hospital, accredited federal medical centers and teaching hospitals in the neighboring states, and a mandatory posting to UNTH or UBTH for CT experience. Graduating students are registered with the RRBN for one-year mandatory internship programme jointly monitored by the RRBN and the Department of Radiography, Faculty of Health Science and Technology College of Health Sciences, Nnamdi Azikiwe University.
- EXAMINATION REGULATION FOR THE DEGREE OF B.Sc. RAD (Radiography and Radiological Science)
- These regulations are made in accordance with, and subject to the general provisions of the regulations governing first degree programme in Nnamdi Azikiwe University.
- In order to be admitted to take part in the examination leading to a degree of B.Sc. RAD. (Radiography and radiological sciences), a student is required to complete satisfactorily all the courses, practical, assignments or projects that are laid down for the relevant part of the programme of studies.
- All course units are examined at the termination of the course unit and candidates are credited with the number of the credit hours assigned to the course unit for which they have possessed the examination.
- In addition to the course unit examination, there shall be a university Examination with the participation of the external examiners. It shall consist of 3- hour written papers in the 500 level courses plus a Research project defense as well as on an oral viva voce.
- To qualify for the award of a degree of B.Sc. RAD (Radiography and radiological sciences), the student must satisfy the professional requirement in 1,000 radiodiagnostic examinations specified in the logbooks.
The degree awarded after a successful completion of the programme is Bachelor of Radiography and Radiological Sciences (B. Rad.)